The Monticello Street Department works to provide safe and efficient routes within the city through the use of roads. Responsibilities of the Street Department includes:
- more than 149 miles of streets; including 6,000+ traffic signs
- stormwater drainage system
- yard waste collection
- snow and ice control
The streets are classified as major and minor arterials, major collectors, neighborhood collectors and local residential streets.
To report street light outages or potholes, please contact our office 870-367-4400.
If you would like to report a pothole, please contact us to schedule a repair. Potholes are normally patched within 1-2 working days.
Street Maintenance is responsible for:
- Maintaining 149 miles of streets
- Pothole patching
- Crack sealing
- Chip sealing
- Alley maintenance
- Utility cut repair
- Snow and ice control
- Leaf collection
- Over 6,000 signs throughout the city
- Approximately 2,400 street lights to keep your neighborhood and downtown streets illuminated. Entergy owns these lights. There is a placard on each street light with an SL#. You can report an outage to Entergy via their website.

Left to Right: RJ, Zach, Matthew, Lee, Jonathan, Doug, Johnny, Frankland, Tony, Eric, Bruce, Fannie, Wayne, RD, Rick, Nick, John, Charlie

Assistant Public Works Superintendent