203 Henley Drive, Monticello, AR 71655

Senior Center
The Monticello senior center was named after Mrs. Barbara Abston. She started the senior center over 40 years ago. Today we continue to serve our community in her honor and we help to provide our seniors a place to enjoy each others company.
At our center, you can enjoy a fresh cooked meal daily, games, exercise, music and more.
We are not just a senior center we are a family.
The senior center provides meals on wheels for our home bound community.
We currently serve 145 seniors daily.
So, if your new in town or have never been to our senior center see us, we would love to get to know you!
Open Mon –Fri 8am to 2pm
Lunch is served 10am-Noon
$4 for seniors $5 for non seniors
(870) 367-2434

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