28th State District Court
107 East Jackson Street
Monticello, AR 71655
Phone: (870) 367-4420
Fax: (870) 460-9056
The majority of misdemeanor criminal cases filed in Drew County are heard by the 28th State District Court, commonly referred to as Monticello District Court. Examples of misdemeanor criminal cases are theft of property, assault and battery, possession of marijuana, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. The court also hears all traffic offenses, including DWI's and Game and Fish cases.
In addition to hearing criminal and traffic cases, the 28th State District Court also hears civil cases. The court has authority to hear civil cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $25,000.00. However, the court does not have the authority to hear cases involving an interest in real property. The court has a small claims division. Individuals or businesses with no more than three owners may file cases in small claims division. The amount in controversy in the small claims division may not exceed $5,000.00.
Payment Options:
Pay Online:
By Phone: 1 (877) 591-8768
Pay at Clerk's Office:
Cash or Money Order
*Make Money Order payable to District Court of Drew County*
Mail in:
District Court
107 E. Jackson
Monticello, AR 71655
**If you would like a receipt, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope**